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Farewell, February the Leap Year.

💡 What was the goal?

30 Days of JavaScript

My original plan was to solve all problems in the 30-day JavaScript challenge🔗 from LeetCode. I wasn't able to complete two medium-level problems, one related to JSON manipulation and another from the Classes section. Nevertheless, I want to acknowledge myself for successfully solving all the other problems. Honestly, I skipped these two because they were lengthy problems... 🫤 I didn't skip all medium-level challenges; it was just these two!

Design Patterns

I said I was going to learn 2 different design patterns every week and post them on my blog. Well... I've got two so far: Command Pattern and the Factory Pattern. I have also explored the Abstract Factory pattern, but I didn't get close to making it into a blog post.

In the first week, I was able to cover two patterns as planned; however, it took more time for me to understand them and translate that understanding into a blog post. So, I had to spend more days to fully grasp the concept and articulate it my own words.

However, I believe if I had managed my time more efficiently, I could have pulled this off, I found it challenging to focus and complete my tasks.

I utilized three websites:

But I'm a bit skeptical about the 'Patterns' website because of its simplicity. They did well in trying to explain everything in a simple sense, but I think they dumbed it down too much, making it hard to understand the concept and apply it to your codebase. It's possible that my perception is not entirely accurate. I'll revisit this website later in the future once I have a better understanding of design patterns. Until then, I'll utilize the other two websites.

GSAP and three.js

Well first of all, I have nothing to say about three.js because I haven't even opened up there website.

Regarding GSAP, I was able to get down most of the tutorials that I said I was going to watch. I actually tried utilizing GSAP in my blog. At the top of the page, you'll see a gradient color of status bar that matches the current scrolling position. Originally, this was done using javascript, but I tried it with GSAP, and surprisingly, it was super simple.

I also encountered a couple of errors when using GSAP with Next.js, but it wasn't a big deal.

Statement Management Tools in React

Hah. Nope. Didn't review any of them.

Side Project

Although the scope of the project was smaller than what I had initially planned, I finished one project using the Spotify API.

There was one significant issue that I found today. I made this app public introduced it to my friends, thinking that it is already public. However, I didn't know that I had to manually add them to the app setting unless Spotify reviews and approves my application. I have requested the extension and hope it gets reviewed and approved.

Shinobue practice

I did pretty well keeping up with the shinobue every day, learning new kids' songs and getting used to making sounds right away, until the very last week of February.

I started putting fewer and fewer minutes into practicing, and when it came to the last week of the month, I didn't practice it... what a shame 🫤

📚 What did you learn?

🤖 Any new tools to introduce?

  • Cursor IDE Plugins
    • Code Spell Checker 🔗
  • Obsidian Plugins
    • Paste URL into selection 🔗
      • Allows you to paste a URL into the selected text.
    • Remember Cursor Positions 🔗
      • I removed this plugin because it disrupted how I navigate between stacked tabs.
    • Blur 🔗
      • This plugin's usefulness is uncertain for me at the moment. I haven't had a chance to utilize it in my notes. It could potentially be useful for testing my understanding of certain concepts, like a quiz.
      • Note that this plugin doesn't have native support for revealing the word on mouse hover; you'll need to configure that yourself by adding CSS.
  • Stretchly 🔗
    • It's an app that reminds you of break time. Unlike other apps running in the menu bar, it pops up on your screen, potentially disrupting your work to emphasize the need for a break. You can postpone the break or make it strict, forcing you to take the break.
  • no hello 🔗
    • Not a tool but a website that provides guidance on how to communicate online, which I wholeheartedly agree with.

⏳ Did you effectively manage your time?

Not at all!!

Looking back at my journals, I can see that I started writing less and less and eventually skipped my journal entirely as I proceeded to the second half of the month. And I know what this means. This means I got lazy, and I didn't get much work done.

But this isn't a matter of me becoming lazy. Because, even during the first week, I spotted lots of minutes in between not doing my work. Not all bad news, though. I'm definitely improving my ability to concentrate on tasks, utilizing pomodoro or timed sessions.

😄 Good job, me!

  • Started the month pretty well, sticking to the plan!
  • I finished one side project as I planned!
  • I posted 20 new blog posts, with 13 of them being literature and permanent notes, and 7 of them being published notes.

😡 Boooo, me!

  • I failed to stick to my study plan towards the end of the month.
  • I failed to adhere to my shinobue practice schedule towards the end of the month.
  • Struggled with my sleeping schedule.

👀 Other

My monthly top track. I made it, so let's use it :) Thank you A〇〇 for letting me know about the issue.

I started watching Digimon Adventure (2020) on Crunchyroll. At first, I was super excited, thinking it was the original series, but no... I saw the first episode, re-checked the title, and realized it was the 2020 version. Still, it's interesting! I love Papimon :)

While participating in '100 Day People Sketch,' I finally found my own drawing style. I don't know if I should say drawing style or just a color theme, but it's something I've always wanted to have. I'm excited!

Hello, March.

💡 Goals

I'm not going to plan too much this month. I realized that I put too many things on my checklist, and I get nothing done. So for this month, I'm going to focus on two things: a side project and a new portfolio design.

For the side project, I'm going to create a little community where you can post images and comment. These images are your drawings. The targeted audience will be artists, doodlers, or anyone who draws for fun. You'll be able to add tags under your drawing so that you can search it. It's like an old Instagram where you can click on a tag in a post to view all related posts, which isn't working anymore on Instagram. I'm excited to learn more about the database and backend, specifically delving into database management and backend development!

And for the portfolio design, my current one is a mix of a freelance + job seeker's portfolio. I'm going to remove the freelance part and really create a portfolio that just showcases my work as a web developer.

Bye, February!

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