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Farewell, March.

Notable Events

I started learning Rust. This is actually my second time learning it. The first time was last year when I joined this group solving programming problems from Baekjoon at least once a day. I left the group a couple of months later, and I stopped using it. Now that the hype is back, I started learning it again, and it's going pretty well. I created a CLI Pomodoro Timer and am working on the second project using Tesseract OCR.

I quit X (Twitter) and migrated to Mastodon. I'm tired of looking at tweets gossiping about other people's lives. I tried blocking those accounts every time I saw them, but this never worked. Popular tweets make their way around my timeline due to the stupid algorithm trying to expose already-popular tweets to increase engagement even more. People, please live your life *ugh*.

I stopped using obsidian and moved to Nota. You can check this post if you want to know the details of why.

I started streaming on YouTube. It's a study-with-me or code-with-me stream where I use pomodoro technique with a timer I made with Rust. I gained 10 additional subscribers :)

Odds and Ends

Pet Project - React

My original goal was to work on this pet project for the entire month and deploy the early prototype, but this didn't go as I planned. The initial design is finished and have implemented all of them, but I'm still working on the backend. I wanted to learn more about databases & backend and that's why I started this project, but I ended up going slow after getting the frontend side somewhat done.

Pet Project - Rust

About halfway through the month, I started putting more time in Rust than React, which is supposed be my main skill for the career.

I completed one project and published it on Homebrew using GitHub release. This was my first time releasing CLI tool and I felt that excitement back when I first encountered programming; it was very exciting.

Now I'm working on the second CLI project using Tesseract OCR. It's going to be a shorthand dictionary where one can type in a word, and the corresponding image of the shorthand will be display in the terminal. I'm manually inserting the data at the moment because OCR isn't working too great separating the texts with the shorthand, so this will take awhile.

While working on the 2nd project, I'm thinking about another CLI project where one can record the number of minutes or hours spent on a certain topic (e.g., React - 17 hours 34 minutes). I need to think about where and how to store these data because it needs to be persistent.


I've been using zettelkasten method with a slight modification to organize my notes.

But I started noticing or feeling that this digital zettelkasten is far away from the original zettelkasten method. So I scrapped it and made a new system ー Atom.

I'm using the atomic metaphor in chemistry to structure my folders (e.g., atoms, molecules, elements, etc...) I used the folgezettel technique to name atom notes but with the current date instead of alphanumerics. I'm still trying to get used to it, and hopefully, I can share more about this later this month whether it worked or not.


I re-structured my morning routines and trying to live a best day. It doesn't go well everyday, obviously. But I'm trying.

I'm still not getting any interviews from companies and concerned about my career because of the technological advances in AI. But I'm trying to stay up strong and positive ー positive, not optimistic. I'm just continue sharpening my skills and be ready to show off when the time comes :)


I'm trying to put at least 25 minutes a day practicing it, but it's going nowhere. Because I'm not learning any pieces right now, it's really just bang-ing with no purpose.

So! I started writing my own piece. No idea how people are doing this, but I'm just doing it. The theme is 「日常」 which means daily life. Let's see how it goes.

Oh and shinobue... haha. nope.

Monthly Awards

Things worth noting.

Top 10 Tracks of the Month

Thank you, March.

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